Introduction to RabbitMQ

#Queues & Exchanges


Every queue declared gets a default binding to the empty exchange "" which has the type “direct” with the routing key matching the queue’s name. With this default binding, it is possible to publish messages that route directly to this queue by publishing to "" with the routing key of the queue name.

  QueueDeclare("alerts", true, false, false, false, nil)
  Publish("", "alerts", false, false, Publishing{Body: []byte("...")})

  Delivery       Exchange  Key       Queue
  key: alerts -> ""     -> alerts -> alerts

The queue name may be empty, in which case the server will generate a unique name which will be returned in the Name field of Queue struct.

Durable and Non-Auto-Deleted queues will survive server restarts and remain when there are no remaining consumers or bindings. Persistent publishings will be restored in this queue on server restart. These queues are only able to be bound to durable exchanges.

Non-Durable and Auto-Deleted queues will not be redeclared on server restart and will be deleted by the server after a short time when the last consumer is canceled or the last consumer’s channel is closed. Queues with this lifetime can also be deleted normally with QueueDelete. These durable queues can only be bound to non-durable exchanges.

Non-Durable and Non-Auto-Deleted queues will remain declared as long as the server is running regardless of how many consumers. This lifetime is useful for temporary topologies that may have long delays between consumer activity. These queues can only be bound to non-durable exchanges.

Durable and Auto-Deleted queues will be restored on server restart, but without active consumers will not survive and be removed. This Lifetime is unlikely to be useful.

Exclusive queues are only accessible by the connection that declares them and will be deleted when the connection closes. Channels on other connections will receive an error when attempting to declare, bind, consume, purge or delete a queue with the same name.

When noWait is true, the queue will assume to be declared on the server. A channel exception will arrive if the conditions are met for existing queues or attempting to modify an existing queue from a different connection.

When the error return value is not nil, you can assume the queue could not be declared with these parameters, and the channel will be closed.


Exchange names starting with “amq.” are reserved for pre-declared and standardized exchanges. The client MAY declare an exchange starting with “amq.” if the passive option is set, or the exchange already exists. Names can consist of a non-empty sequence of letters, digits, hyphen, underscore, period, or colon.

Each exchange belongs to one of a set of exchange kinds/types implemented by the server. The exchange types define the functionality of the exchange - i.e. how messages are routed through it. Once an exchange is declared, its type cannot be changed. The common types are “direct”, “fanout”, “topic” and “headers”.

Durable and Non-Auto-Deleted exchanges will survive server restarts and remain declared when there are no remaining bindings. This is the best lifetime for long-lived exchange configurations like stable routes and default exchanges.

Non-Durable and Auto-Deleted exchanges will be deleted when there are no remaining bindings and not restored on server restart. This lifetime is useful for temporary topologies that should not pollute the virtual host on failure or after the consumers have completed.

Non-Durable and Non-Auto-deleted exchanges will remain as long as the server is running including when there are no remaining bindings. This is useful for temporary topologies that may have long delays between bindings.

Durable and Auto-Deleted exchanges will survive server restarts and will be removed before and after server restarts when there are no remaining bindings. These exchanges are useful for robust temporary topologies or when you require binding durable queues to auto-deleted exchanges.

Note: RabbitMQ declares the default exchange types like ‘amq.fanout’ as durable, so queues that bind to these pre-declared exchanges must also be durable.

Exchanges declared as internal do not accept accept publishings. Internal exchanges are useful when you wish to implement inter-exchange topologies that should not be exposed to users of the broker.

When noWait is true, declare without waiting for a confirmation from the server. The channel may be closed as a result of an error. Add a NotifyClose listener to respond to any exceptions.

Optional amqp.Table of arguments that are specific to the server’s implementation of the exchange can be sent for exchange types that require extra parameters.

#Queues Binding

QueueBind binds an exchange to a queue so that publishings to the exchange will be routed to the queue when the publishing routing key matches the binding routing key.

  QueueBind("pagers", "alert", "log", false, nil)
  QueueBind("emails", "info", "log", false, nil)

  Delivery       Exchange  Key       Queue
  key: alert --> log ----> alert --> pagers
  key: info ---> log ----> info ---> emails
  key: debug --> log       (none)    (dropped)

If a binding with the same key and arguments already exists between the exchange and queue, the attempt to rebind will be ignored and the existing binding will be retained.

In the case that multiple bindings may cause the message to be routed to the same queue, the server will only route the publishing once. This is possible with topic exchanges.

  QueueBind("pagers", "alert", "amq.topic", false, nil)
  QueueBind("emails", "info", "amq.topic", false, nil)
  QueueBind("emails", "#", "amq.topic", false, nil) // match everything

  Delivery       Exchange        Key       Queue
  key: alert --> amq.topic ----> alert --> pagers
  key: info ---> amq.topic ----> # ------> emails
                           \---> info ---/
  key: debug --> amq.topic ----> # ------> emails

It is only possible to bind a durable queue to a durable exchange regardless of whether the queue or exchange is auto-deleted. Bindings between durable queues and exchanges will also be restored on server restart.

If the binding could not complete, an error will be returned and the channel will be closed.

When noWait is false and the queue could not be bound, the channel will be closed with an error.


  • direct
  • fanout
  • topic
  • headers

#Publising & Consuming


Publish sends a Publishing from the client to an exchange on the server.

  • Publishings can be undeliverable when the mandatory flag is true and no queue is bound that matches the routing key, or when the immediate flag is true and no consumer on the matched queue is ready to accept the delivery.