

General Pattern

  • design protoc command:
protoc test.proto
  --go_out=. \ \
  --go_opt=paths=source_relative \
  --go-grpc_out=. \
  --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative \
  • inline it into generate.go
  • invoke it with go generate ./...
package pb
//go:generate protoc ....

#TODO: buf


#HelloWorld & grpcurl

Run the server (and proto generation) with make helloworld

export GRPC_URL=... # put address provided with make message: listening on ...

# -- Request a list of services.
> grpcurl -plaintext -v $GRPC_URL list


# -- Request a list of methods of the service `helloworld.Greeter`
> grpcurl -plaintext -v $GRPC_URL list helloworld.Greeter


# -- Describe the service
> grpcurl -plaintext -v $GRPC_URL describe helloworld.Greeter

helloworld.Greeter is a service:
service Greeter {
  rpc SayHello ( .helloworld.HelloRequest ) returns ( .helloworld.HelloReply );

# -- Describe the service method
> grpcurl -plaintext -v $GRPC_URL describe helloworld.Greeter.SayHello

rpc SayHello ( .helloworld.HelloRequest ) returns ( .helloworld.HelloReply );

# -- Describe the message
> grpcurl -plaintext -v $GRPC_URL describe helloworld.HelloRequest

helloworld.HelloRequest is a message:
message HelloRequest {
  string name = 1;

# -- Query Method
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"name": "Світ!"}' $GRPC_URL helloworld.Greeter/SayHello

  "message": "Hello Світ!"

# is same as...
grpcurl -plaintext -d @ $GRPC_URL helloworld.Greeter/SayHello <<EOM
  {"name": "Світ!"}

#HelloWorld & evans

Run repl for the same address we running server on.

evans -r repl --host --port 65095
> show package
> call SayHello
> help
... etc


#Unary Streams

Simple Ping Pong

make unary-demo

#Server Streaming

Fibonacci Sequence Generator

make server-streaming

#Client Streaming

AVG for client sequence

make client-streaming

#Todo: Example 6: Bi-Directional Streaming

AVG of lst 10 sequence calc

make bidirectional-streaming