
> go help
Go is a tool for managing Go source code.


	go <command> [arguments]

The commands are:

#go build


# show $WORK directory 
go build --work .

# Dry run + -work
go build -n .

# Explicit output of the build process
go build -x .

# Escape analysis
go build -gcflags="-m"
# more info
go build -gcflags="-m=5"

# go ASM
go build -gcflags="-S"

# disbale optimizations
go build -gcflags="-N" .
# disable inlining
go build -gcflags="-l" .
# disable both
go build -gcflags="-N -l" .

# bce checks
go build -gcflags="-d=ssa/check_bce/debug=1"

# generate ssa dump
GOSSAFUNC=main go build .

# Garbage collector liveness bitmap generation.
# go build -gcflags="-live" .
go build -gcflags="-live=2" .

# adding extras
go build -gcflags="-bench=bench.out"
go build -gcflags="-race" # race detector
go build -gcflags="-memprofile=profile.out"
go build -gcflags="-traceprofile=trace.out"

#go doc

Doc prints the documentation comments associated with the item identified by its arguments (a package, const, func, type, var, method, or struct field) followed by a one-line summary of each of the first-level items “under” that item (package-level declarations for a package, methods for a type, etc.).

# show short info about json package
go doc json

#godoc - Documentation

Go Documentation + Package Documentation

# running local documentation
godoc -http :8000

#go env

go env
go env -json
go env -w "GOPATH=/www/path/"

#go mod

The commands are:

  • download - download modules to local cache
  • edit - edit go.mod from tools or scripts
  • graph - print module requirement graph
  • init - initialize new module in current directory
  • tidy - add missing and remove unused modules
  • vendor - make vendored copy of dependencies
  • verify - verify dependencies have expected content
  • why - explain why packages or modules are needed
# go mod <command> [arguments]
go mod init <name>
go get -u ./...

# vendore deps
go mod vendor

# update dependency
go get -u <url>
go mod vendor

# why we have this dependency?
go mod why
# or 
go mod graph | grep logrus

# editing
# remove from require
go mod edit -droprequire
# add to repalce block
go mod edit -replace

#go list

# std
go list std

# The -json flag tells you everything the go tool knows about a package:
# checkout
#     go help list
# to see info about Package struct
go list -json std

# Custom formated output
go list -f '{{.Doc}}' std

# Show Package Files
go list -f '{{join .GoFiles " "}}' bytes

# No Docs
go list -f '{{if not .Doc}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}' std

# Find Packages that depands of package
go list -f '{{range .Deps}}{{if eq . ""}}{{$.ImportPath}}{{end}}{{end}}' all

# Broken
go list -e -f '{{with .Error}}{{.}}{{end}}' all

# go list printing line counts
for pkg in $(go list; do
    wc -l $(go list -f '{{range .GoFiles}}{{$.Dir}}/{{.}} {{end}}' $pkg) | \
        tail -1 | awk '{ print $1 " '$pkg'" }'
done | sort -nr

> 617
> 600
> 357
> 160
> 147
> 112
> 22
> 16
> 16
> 16
> 16
> 16

# Dependency Graph
(   echo "digraph G {"
    go list -f '{{range .Imports}}{{printf "\t%q -> %q;\n" $.ImportPath .}}{{end}}' \
        $(go list -f '{{join .Deps " "}}' time) time
    echo "}"
) | dot -Tsvg -o time-deps.svg

deps() {
        go list -f '{{ join .Deps  "\n"}}' . | grep pkgname


# printing paltform specific files
env GOOS=darwin go list -f '{{ .GoFiles }}'
[term.go term_bsd.go]

Go list opeates with PackagePublic

type PackagePublic struct {
	// Note: These fields are part of the go command's public API.
	// See list.go. It is okay to add fields, but not to change or
	// remove existing ones. Keep in sync with ../list/list.go
	Dir           string                `json:",omitempty"` // directory containing package sources
	ImportPath    string                `json:",omitempty"` // import path of package in dir
	ImportComment string                `json:",omitempty"` // path in import comment on package statement
	Name          string                `json:",omitempty"` // package name
	Doc           string                `json:",omitempty"` // package documentation string
	Target        string                `json:",omitempty"` // installed target for this package (may be executable)
	Shlib         string                `json:",omitempty"` // the shared library that contains this package (only set when -linkshared)
	Root          string                `json:",omitempty"` // Go root, Go path dir, or module root dir containing this package
	ConflictDir   string                `json:",omitempty"` // Dir is hidden by this other directory
	ForTest       string                `json:",omitempty"` // package is only for use in named test
	Export        string                `json:",omitempty"` // file containing export data (set by go list -export)
	BuildID       string                `json:",omitempty"` // build ID of the compiled package (set by go list -export)
	Module        *modinfo.ModulePublic `json:",omitempty"` // info about package's module, if any
	Match         []string              `json:",omitempty"` // command-line patterns matching this package
	Goroot        bool                  `json:",omitempty"` // is this package found in the Go root?
	Standard      bool                  `json:",omitempty"` // is this package part of the standard Go library?
	DepOnly       bool                  `json:",omitempty"` // package is only as a dependency, not explicitly listed
	BinaryOnly    bool                  `json:",omitempty"` // package cannot be recompiled
	Incomplete    bool                  `json:",omitempty"` // was there an error loading this package or dependencies?

	DefaultGODEBUG string `json:",omitempty"` // default GODEBUG setting (only for Name=="main")

	// Stale and StaleReason remain here *only* for the list command.
	// They are only initialized in preparation for list execution.
	// The regular build determines staleness on the fly during action execution.
	Stale       bool   `json:",omitempty"` // would 'go install' do anything for this package?
	StaleReason string `json:",omitempty"` // why is Stale true?

	// Source files
	// If you add to this list you MUST add to p.AllFiles (below) too.
	// Otherwise file name security lists will not apply to any new additions.
	GoFiles           []string `json:",omitempty"` // .go source files (excluding CgoFiles, TestGoFiles, XTestGoFiles)
	CgoFiles          []string `json:",omitempty"` // .go source files that import "C"
	CompiledGoFiles   []string `json:",omitempty"` // .go output from running cgo on CgoFiles
	IgnoredGoFiles    []string `json:",omitempty"` // .go source files ignored due to build constraints
	InvalidGoFiles    []string `json:",omitempty"` // .go source files with detected problems (parse error, wrong package name, and so on)
	IgnoredOtherFiles []string `json:",omitempty"` // non-.go source files ignored due to build constraints
	CFiles            []string `json:",omitempty"` // .c source files
	CXXFiles          []string `json:",omitempty"` // .cc, .cpp and .cxx source files
	MFiles            []string `json:",omitempty"` // .m source files
	HFiles            []string `json:",omitempty"` // .h, .hh, .hpp and .hxx source files
	FFiles            []string `json:",omitempty"` // .f, .F, .for and .f90 Fortran source files
	SFiles            []string `json:",omitempty"` // .s source files
	SwigFiles         []string `json:",omitempty"` // .swig files
	SwigCXXFiles      []string `json:",omitempty"` // .swigcxx files
	SysoFiles         []string `json:",omitempty"` // .syso system object files added to package

	// Embedded files
	EmbedPatterns []string `json:",omitempty"` // //go:embed patterns
	EmbedFiles    []string `json:",omitempty"` // files matched by EmbedPatterns

	// Cgo directives
	CgoCFLAGS    []string `json:",omitempty"` // cgo: flags for C compiler
	CgoCPPFLAGS  []string `json:",omitempty"` // cgo: flags for C preprocessor
	CgoCXXFLAGS  []string `json:",omitempty"` // cgo: flags for C++ compiler
	CgoFFLAGS    []string `json:",omitempty"` // cgo: flags for Fortran compiler
	CgoLDFLAGS   []string `json:",omitempty"` // cgo: flags for linker
	CgoPkgConfig []string `json:",omitempty"` // cgo: pkg-config names

	// Dependency information
	Imports   []string          `json:",omitempty"` // import paths used by this package
	ImportMap map[string]string `json:",omitempty"` // map from source import to ImportPath (identity entries omitted)
	Deps      []string          `json:",omitempty"` // all (recursively) imported dependencies

	// Error information
	// Incomplete is above, packed into the other bools
	Error      *PackageError   `json:",omitempty"` // error loading this package (not dependencies)
	DepsErrors []*PackageError `json:",omitempty"` // errors loading dependencies, collected by go list before output

	// Test information
	// If you add to this list you MUST add to p.AllFiles (below) too.
	// Otherwise file name security lists will not apply to any new additions.
	TestGoFiles        []string `json:",omitempty"` // _test.go files in package
	TestImports        []string `json:",omitempty"` // imports from TestGoFiles
	TestEmbedPatterns  []string `json:",omitempty"` // //go:embed patterns
	TestEmbedFiles     []string `json:",omitempty"` // files matched by TestEmbedPatterns
	XTestGoFiles       []string `json:",omitempty"` // _test.go files outside package
	XTestImports       []string `json:",omitempty"` // imports from XTestGoFiles
	XTestEmbedPatterns []string `json:",omitempty"` // //go:embed patterns
	XTestEmbedFiles    []string `json:",omitempty"` // files matched by XTestEmbedPatterns

#go test

# Coverage for local packages except osme of them...

export PKGS=$(go list ./... | grep -vE "(gotests/gotests|.*data|templates)" | tr -s '\n' ',' | sed 's/.\{1\}$//')
go test -v -covermode=count -coverpkg=$PKGS -coverprofile=coverage.cov

# Find what tests were skipped
go test -v . | grep SKIP

# run tests 10 times + verbose output (also cleans cache)
go test -v -test.count 10 .

# clean cache 
go clean -testcache

# run on 2 cores
go test -v -test.count 10 -test.cpu 2 .

# run tests (filter by name)
go test -v -run S .

# run 4 runners tests 
go test -v -parallel 4 .

# run 4 runners tests 
go test -race .

# json 
go test -v --json .

# just compiling test code
go test --exec=/bin/true ./...
go test -c pkg

# Using jq to filter output of json based export.
go test -json | jq -s 'map(select(.Test != null)) | sort_by(.Elapsed)'

# benchmarks (+ memory)
go test -json -benchmem -run=^$ -bench .

#go tool

#go tool compile

// URL:

# Print assembly listing to standard output
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go tool compile -S main.go

# Debug parse tree after type checking.
go tool compile -W main.go

# Compline only package 
go tool compile package.go && ls -la
> package.o

#go tool objdump

Objdump disassembles executable files.

// URL:
# dump go-asm
go tool objdump ./prj 

// dump source code of the main.main
go tool objdump -S -s main.main ./prj 

#go tool nm

Nm lists the symbols defined or used by an object file, archive, or executable.

Types are:

  • T text (code) segment symbol
  • t static text segment symbol
  • R read-only data segment symbol
  • r static read-only data segment symbol
  • D data segment symbol
  • d static data segment symbol
  • B bss segment symbol
  • b static bss segment symbol
  • C constant address
  • U referenced but undefined symbol


go tool nm ./prj | grep smthing