Statistical Distributions

%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    'font.size': 20.0, 
    'axes.titlesize': 'small', 
    'axes.labelsize': 'small', 
    'xtick.labelsize': 'small', 
    'ytick.labelsize': 'small'
def plot_continuous(dist):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True, figsize=(15, 5))
    # Plot hist
    rvs = dist.rvs(size=1000) 
    ax[0].hist(rvs, alpha=0.2, histtype='stepfilled')
    x=np.linspace(dist.ppf(0.01), dist.ppf(0.99), 50) 
    ax[0].plot(x, dist.pdf(x), '-', lw=2);
    ax[0].set_title( + ' PDF') 
    # Plot cdf.
    ax[1].plot(x, dist.cdf(x), '-', lw=2) 
    ax[1].set_title( + ' CDF') 
    return (fig, ax)  

def plot_discrete(dist):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True, figsize=(15, 5))
    # Plot hist
    rvs = dist.rvs(size=1000)
    w = np.ones_like(rvs)/ float(len(rvs))
    ax[0].hist(rvs, weights=w, alpha=0.2, histtype='stepfilled')
    # Plot pmf.
    k = np.arange(dist.ppf(0.01), dist.ppf(0.99)+1)
    ax[0].plot(k, dist.pmf(k), 'bo', lw=2);
    ax[0].set_title( + ' PMF') 

    # Plot cdf.
    ax[1].plot(k, dist.cdf(k), 'bo', lw=2);
    ax[1].set_title( + ' CDF') 
    return (fig, ax)

Uniform (Continuous)


Equally likely outcomes in the interval a to b, e.g. degrees between hour and minute hand.


  • a minimum value.
  • b maximum value.
  • x observed value.
a,b = 1,2
uniform = stats.uniform(loc=a, scale=b-a) 
plot = plot_continuous(uniform)

Exponential (Continuous)


Time between poisson events, e.g. time until taxi will pass street corner.


  • lambda average number of independent events per interval.
  • x observed time between events.
lam = 1  # lambda
exponential = stats.expon(scale=1/lam) 
plot = plot_continuous(exponential)

Gaussian (Continuous)


A bell curve, e.g. IQ score.


  • mu mean or expectation.
  • sigma standard deviation.
  • x observed value.
mu, sigma = 0, 1 
plot = plot_continuous(gaussian)

Bernoulli (Discrete)


One instance of a success or failure trial, e.g. (possibly unfair) coin toss.


  • p probability of success.
  • k failure or success, i.e. {0,1}, observation.
bernoulli = stats.bernoulli(p=0.6) 
plot = plot_discrete(bernoulli)

Geometric (Discrete)


Number of Bernoulli trials until first success, e.g. number of trials until coin flip turns out to be heads.


  • p probability of success (each trial).
  • k observed trials until success.
geometric = stats.geom(p=0.5) 
plot = plot_discrete(geometric)

Poisson (Discrete)


Number of events occurring in a fixed interval, e.g. number of taxis passing a street corner in a given hour (on avg. 10/hr).


  • lambda average number of independent events per interval.
  • k events observed in an interval.
lam = 4  # lambda
poisson = stats.poisson(mu=lam) 
plot = plot_discrete(poisson)

Binomial (Discrete)


Number of successes out of a number of Bernoulli trials with replacement., e.g. number of coin flips out of 100 that turn out to be heads.


  • p probability of success (each trial).
  • n number of independent trials.
  • k observed number of successes
plot = plot_discrete(binomial)

Weibull (Continuous)


Time between events when rate is not constant, e.g. time-to-failure when rate of failure increases or decreases over time.

Gamma (Continuous)


Waiting time between Poisson distributed events. Used when waiting times between events are relevant, e.g. aggregate insurance claims or the amount of rainfall accumulated in a reservoir.

Hypergeometric (Discrete)


Number of successes out of a number of success or failure trials without replacement, e.g. Number of times you draw a black ball from an urn of black and white balls without putting any back.