
This notes are result of reading book “Python Testing with pytest” and implementing it on practice.

Additional Resources:

#TODO - Examples

  • flask examples
  • getting setarted examples
  • configuration (

#TODO - Getting Started

#Writing Test Functions

#Assert Everything

def test_asserts_ok():
    """ Just Don't: Tuple is True """
    name = "ssss"
    assert type(name) is int, ("name is not a int: {}".format(name))
def test_asserts_bad():
    """ Just Don't: Tuple is True """
    name = "ssss"
    assert (type(name) is int, ("name is not a int: {}".format(name))

#Assert Exception

def test_approx():
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        """expected exception"""
        assert .1 + .2 == .3

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        """unexpected exception"""
        assert 4 / 0
    """ using approx """
    assert .1 + .2 == pytest.approx(.3, rel=1e-19) 


def setup_module(module):
    print("\nAction[{}] / Func[{}] / Argument [{}]".format(
        "setup_module", setup_module.__name__, module.__name__))

def teardown_module(module):
    print("\nAction[{}] / Func[{}] / Argument [{}]".format(
        "teardown_module", teardown_module.__name__, module.__name__))

def setup_function(func):
    print("\nAction[{}] / Func[{}] / Argument [{}]".format(
        "setup_function", setup_function.__name__, func.__name__))

def teardown_function(func):
    print("\nAction[{}] / Func[{}] / Argument [{}]".format(
        "teardown_function", teardown_function.__name__, func.__name__))
class TestClass:

    def setup_class(cls):
        print("Class Setup", cls)

    def teardown_class(cls):
        print("Class teardown", cls)

    def setup_method(self, method):
        print("Method: Setup, {}".format(method))

    def teardown_method(self, method):
        print("Method: Teardown, {}".format(method))


We can user setups and teadowns within scope context (module, function, session, class)

import pytest

@pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True)
def setup(request):
    print("Setup", request.scope)

    def fabrica():

    yield fabrica
    print("TearDown", request.scope)

def test_scopes1():
    assert True

def test_scopes2():
    assert True

#Using addfinalizer to add tearDown steps

import pytest

def finalizer_demo(request):
    """ creating some heavy presetup """

    def teardown1():
        """ destroys pre setup - step 1 """


    def teardown2():
        """ destroys pre setup - step 2 """


def test_finalizer(finalizer_demo):
    assert True


## todo



@pytest.mark.skip(reason="Lets just skip it")
def test_skipper_1():
    """skipping it, not going to run"""
    assert False

def test_skipper_2():
    """skipping it, not going to run"""
    pytest.skip("skipping it, not going to run")

@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 6),
                    reason="requires python3.6 or higher")
def test_skipper_3():
    """skipping it, not going to run"""
    print(f"Running on  Python {sys.version_info[0]}.{sys.version_info[1]}")

py36 = pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 6),
                          reason="requires python3.6 or higher")

def test_skipper_4():
    """skipping it, not going to run"""
    print(f"Running on  Python {sys.version_info[0]}.{sys.version_info[1]}")

#X-Fail and X-Pass

Useful keys

  • -rx - extra sumarry for : (x)failed
  • --lf - last failed only or all
  • --ff - first failed
import pytest, sys

# Expect to fail, xpass otherwise
def test_failure1():
    assert False

# Fail within test function
def test_failure2():"Failed", pytrace=True)

# Fail if X Pass
def test_failure3():
    assert False

# Expect Failure if True 
@pytest.mark.xfail(sys.version_info < (3, 6), reason="python3.6 api changes")
def test_failure4():
    answer = 42
    assert f"The answer is {answer}" == "The answer is 42"

# Expect Failure if true (expression as string)
@pytest.mark.xfail('1==1', reason="dummy reason")
def test_failure5():
    assert False

# fail, don't execute
def test_failure6():

# Fail with expection expected - Expections tuple
def test_failure7():
    4 / 0

# Failt with expection expected - Just expection
def test_failure8():
    x = []
    x[1] = 1

#Builtin Fixtures

#Temporary Directory

def test_tmpdir(tmpdir):
    CONTENT = "test"
    p = tmpdir.mkdir("sub").join("hello.txt")

    assert == CONTENT
    assert len(tmpdir.listdir()) == 1

# examples of some methods
def pprint(name, what):
    base = "/private/var/folders"
    print("{:<10}: {}".format(name, str(what).replace(base, "")))

def test_directory(tmpdir):

    pprint("dir base", tmpdir)
    pprint("dir not", tmpdir / "n")

    base = tmpdir.mkdir("n")
    pprint("dir (n)", base)
    base = tmpdir.mkdir("f").mkdir("1")
    pprint("dir (n1)", base)
    pprint("dir (n1:s)", base.strpath)

    aspathfile = base.join("hello.txt")
    pprint("file", aspathfile)
    pprint("file_str", aspathfile.strpath)


    base = tmpdir.mkdir("s").join('inventory')
    pprint("dir (ensure)", base.ensure())
    pprint("dir (join:s)", base.strpath)


import pytest
from collections import OrderedDict

xfail = pytest.mark.xfail

tests_table = OrderedDict({
    'ints': (1, 2, 3),
    'floats': (1., 2., 3.),
    'sts': ("twenty", "two", "twentytwo"),
    pytest.param(.1, .2, .3, marks=xfail(reason="Float point addition"))

@pytest.mark.parametrize(("a", "b", "expected"), tests_table.values())
def test_sample(a, b, expected):
    assert a + b == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize("a, b, expected", tests_table.values(), ids=list(tests_table.keys()))
def test_sample2(a, b, expected):
    assert a + b == expected



Plugin Description
pytest-repeat Run Tests More Than Once
pytest-xdist Run Tests in Parallel
pytest-timeout Put Time Limits on Your Tests
pytest-instafail See Details of Failures and Errors as They Happen
pytest-pycodestyle Comply with Python’s Style Guide
pytest-pep8 Comply with Python’s Style Guide
pytest-flake8 Check for Style + Linting
pytest-pylint Check for Style + Linting
pytest-selenium Test with a Web Browser
pytest-django django
pytest-flask flask

# pytest-repeat: repeat all tests twice
pytest --count=2
# pytest-xdist: automatically detect the number of CPUs 
pytest -n auto
# pytest-timeout: give test .5 seconds to pass
pytest --timeout=0.5
# pytest-instafail: 
pytest --instafail --maxfail=2 


Plugin Description
pytest-sugar Instafail + Colors + Progress Bar
pytest-html Generate HTML Reports for Test Sessions

# pytest-html: report.html 
pytest --html=report.html


  • pytest-runner
  • pytest-cov


You can configure pytest in next files pytest.ini or tox.ini or setup.cfg:


addopts = -ra --verbose -q
testpaths = tests


We can use section [pytest] for pytest settings.

addopts = -ra --verbose --cov --cov-report=html
testpaths = tests


We can use [tool:pytest] section to describe settings for pytest.

addopts = -ra --verbose --cov --cov-report=html
testpaths = tests

#Using pytest with other tools

#venv & pip

Regular virtual environment usage:

> python -m venv .venv
> source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) > pip install pytest
(.venv) > pytest
(.venv) > deactivate